Thursday, February 12, 2009

Economic Accountability- Flogging Bankers & Politicians

The current economy is a direct result of Bankers and Politicians raping the country to protect their interests and campaign backers. Granted this is a very powerful statement, follow the facts, your state Representatives are influenced by money power backing their campaigns. This influence comes at a cost to Americans, their homes, and their children. Small business also suffers the blunders of political and financial hidden agendas. They do things they say are in the interest of our country, and I say to them "PROVE IT"!

President Kennedy once said in a speech, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country". Very powerful statement and very motivating, and this put a charge to Americans. Fast forward to the present time and boy is it obvious what our country will do for us, to us, and without our best interest in mind. Bail out check? guess it is time to buy a jet plane with the free tax payers money.

It is time to flog the bankers and politicians that have caused this economic crisis. It all leads up to accountability and lack of accountability. Time to hold the banks accountable, time to hold politicians accountable. Corporate America, you need to pay your fair share of the taxes and stop looking for ways to get out of paying your due taxes. Politicians should be exposed for accepting leaverage contributions that allow this type of tax evasion for the Corporate sector. Obama had made a statement about having certain members pay their taxes, and there was another Politician that was quoted saying he had narrowly escaped being in that part of the government. Are you serious? Publicly stating to America your glad you did not have to pay your taxes? or get stuck having to pay them? That takes balls, but it also puts it all into perspective how Americans are being abused by our own government and corporations.

To Be Continued.....


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